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Introduction to Ice Climbing

What You'll Learn

If you’ve never climbed ice or even rock climbed before this is the place to start. During this Intro to Ice Climbing course participants will learn:

  • How to provide a solid lead and toprope belay that makes you a sought after climbing partner.
  • How ice screw protection and anchors work.
  • How to safely put on and use ice climbing equipment such as crampons, ice tools, and ice screws.
  • Basic ice climbing technique to make efficient use of energy and stay in balance.
  • How to descend from ice climbs.
  • Outdoor climbing etiquette and ethics for new outdoor leaders.

After taking this climbing course participants should feel capable of climbing ice where leading is not needed.

Ice Climbing Instruction Rates and Availability

1 Instructor Half Day (4 hours) Regular Day (6 hours) Full Day (8 hours)
1 Students $329 $389 $449
2 Students $269 $329 $389
3 Students $219 $269 $329
4 Students $169 $219 $269
2 instructors to keep low ratios for the best experience!
5-8 Students $139 $169 $219

Rate Information:

Rates are per person, e.g. 3 people for a Regular Day would be $269/person for a total of $807. Trip start times are custom but generally we recommend 9AM starts for most ice climbing December through March to make the best use of time and ice conditions.

Discount Information: We appreciate our guests but discounts are limited to the following and cannot be combined with any other offer.

Early Bird Discounts and Last Chance Pricing: Book early and save! Schedule any rock climbing trip a month or more in advance for a 10% discount. Any trip booked with less than 48 hours notice incur a $100 convenience fee.

Bundle Pricing: The ultimate way to get started climbing! Purchase 3 or more days of climbing guiding or instruction at once for a 10% discount. Schedule at your convenience.

Ready to book your experience or have more questions?

Follow Up Climbing Classes

Basic ice climbing technique and skills such as tying in and belaying are fundamental skills that open the door to the next steps in gaining the independence to climb ice on your own. The following classes are good next steps.

Required Skills

No previous experience is necessary. If you have previous climbing experience indoors or on rock that can accelerate the learning process and while the ability to care for one’s self outdoors is helpful we’re happy to teach those skills during this course as well.

Best Places to Learn Basic Ice Climbing Skills

There are several locations that work well for this course due to reliable, high quality ice with minimal approaches. The venues we recommend are:

With the drips, seeps, and waterfalls slowly freezing in the winter a new world opens to climbers as the ice season begins. First high in the mountains and slowly descending into the valleys. While a background in rock climbing is helpful all it takes to start ice climbing is a little extra equipment and some new techniques. Strong wrists help as well but expert instruction will help you learn to ice climb in no time at all. 

While we recommend people with no climbing experience take the Full Day to learn those with previous climbing and belaying  experience may be able to learn the techniques faster if they already are competent in those skills.